- a boy and his dog
- chef boyardee pizza
- airhead candy
- french ice cream
- ice cream shop
- breast feeding
- hamster pet
- strawberry ice cream cone
- chocolate frosty Wendy's
- making spaghetti
- diaper wars
- How did Google get that combination of words from postings on my page since I haven't used those particular phrases?
- Who are these people and exactly what were they hoping to find using these search terms?
- soapy shower
- virgins from hell
- mature breasts
- mouth burning boob
- i want crack
- ass fun
- bear season steal some shit
- pop cherry 2
- orgy in the ville
- when the f##k did we get ice cream
- ice cream f##k
- goodfellas f##k you pay me
- i want f##k you
Dear Sir, I'm sorry your fun was ruined when you got my postings complaining about my struggles with weight loss when you were most likely looking for a different kind of "POUND MY ASS".