Entertainment Magazine

Django Unchained [2012]

Posted on the 20 January 2013 by Diana @azizaspicks
Django Unchained [2012]
Django Unchained is a 2012 production, written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, about a slave-turned-bounty hunter (Jamie Foxx) who sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio), with the help of the man who saved him in the first place (Christoph Waltz).
I must say, from the get go, that I was in love with this film 5 minutes in, when Django is rescued by a smooth-talking, surprisingly violent Dr.King Schultz. The quality of the script is unquestionable- from the fast, no-bullshit, quirky dialogue, to the well-built characters, and ending, of course, with the action-packed scenes, everything is wonderfully constructed, and more importantly, entertaining. I rarely see movies who bring both story and entertainment, both quality and fun, and Django Unchained definitely accomplishes that.
One extra thing I do have to mention about the script, but mostly about how Tarantino builds and displays his stories- the man loves violence and is not afraid to show it. I think he is one of the most visual, direct and bloody directors out there when it comes to this topic, and you can see it in the way he shoots the scenes, the close-ups and quantity of blood used. It doesn't bother me, but you cannot help to notice it, and that's why I mentioned it.
As for the actual directing, what more can I say about mister Tarantino? His movies are always visually appealing, attracting attention with every frame or shot. Personally, I loved and still remember the scenes showing Django killing the Brittle brothers, or the funny moment with Big Daddy and his employees on the field, having the bag argument, and of course, the final showdown in Candie's house. As always, his cameo is interesting and well placed, and I especially liked his exit.
As for the other filmmaking aspects, I have nothing but praise. The sets and costumes were well-executed and fun, and a definite highlight was the fantastic soundtrack, with "Who did that to you?", the John Legend song, taking the crown.
If you thought I ran out of good things to say about the film, than you probably didn't realize I haven't mentioned the casting. Oh man, the actors in Django Unchained were just fantastic. Jamie Foxx, playing the main character, perfectly embodied it and gave a very good performance that was sadly overlooked, but I can understand why, considering the supporting actors were just as wonderful as the lead. Three of them deserve high praise and an Oscar each for their roles: first, Christoph Waltz, in a part similar to his in Inglorious Basterds, but with a lot more humanity; he had great chemistry with both Jamie, and the other two secondary men, who I love and root for more than him. Oh, how can I put in words how much I enjoyed watching both Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L.Jackson on screen? Their characters were obviously despicable, but I couldn't not like their sassy spirit, confident stride and funny banter. DiCaprio, in particular, was spectacular as the vile plantation owner who always gets what he wants, and I seriously cannot understand who he didn't get a nomination for his performance (case in point, watch the running man and the dogs scene, or the dinner discussion, and you will understand).
In the end, I can only summarize my review and just say that Django Unchained is one of the best films I have seen in months and it deserves all your attention- I would recommend it to anyone. If I would have to rate it, it would get a 5/5 from me!

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