Hiya loves,
How are you all doing lovelies? Hope your weekend was great and of course you can drop a hint of what you did.
My weekend started of great and fulfilling on Saturday with my Morning mountain running and chilling out all afternoon.
Sunday wasn't that great since I suffered and still is battling with an annoying migraine, so no outfit post this weekend.
Don't fret though I got to share with you my little DIY project, if you follow me on Facebook you will know I had my little DIY moment last week.
I was thrilled by watching this trend on so many celeb/fashion Icons. I wanted to have one for myself after seeing the Balmain ones on Beyonce, so I ordered the spikes from Ebay , the leather gloves I already have from last year while I was in Italy, but never had the reason to wear them here in Greece.

1. The gloves
2. Spikes, you can get really cheap ones on Ebay
3. A big safety pin to make very small holes for the spikes.
Process and result:
Use the safety pin to make holes where you wish to place your spikes and place as many as you wishes and in any array you like.
I wanted mine to be like this and I did not want to place them on all the surfaces of the glove and there you go.

I am totally into this trend and will try to DIY something else with the spikes or even maybe studs.
Till next post dearies, thank you for reading and take care.