I often find myself purchasing herbs for cooking but then only using a small portion before the rest of it goes bad. It can be frustrating and feels wasteful, so I recently decided to start my own herb garden. This is the cutest little mobile herb garden I have ever seen and I love having all of these delicious herbs right at my finger tips - It's the perfect way to add freshness to your life! Plus, the cart allows me to roll it out in the sun and roll it in during rain to ensure my plants stay healthy all year long.
I wanted to make my herb garden the best it could be, so I made it mobile by placing it on a rolling cart, went with some chalkboard garden tags that I could easily swap out if I ever needed to, and was sure to use Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix from Walmart. This premium potting soil for indoor and outdoor containers is the best way to grow plants twice as big versus unfed plants. It can feed plants for up to 6 months while you get to sit back and watch your garden flourish!

To make your own Herb Garden you will need:
rolling cart
flower pots
garden tags
watering can
gardening tools
basket or bucket
gardening gloves
Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix
herb plants - can be pre-grown or seeds
For my herb garden I bought plants from the store rather than growing them myself (I couldn't wait to start using them). They come in biodegradable pots so it makes transfer to larger pots a cinch! Be sure to wear your gardening gloves when transferring the herbs. Place them in their new pot, then fill it with Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix. Use your gardening spade to scoop the dirt, then lightly pack it into the pot. Fill out your garden tag (to match whatever herb you have planted), then stick it into the pot. Place your pot on a plastic dish so it doesn't make a mess when watering.
After planting all of my herbs, I placed them evenly onto my rolling herb garden. It had just enough leftover space for a basket to store my gardening tools and a space for my watering can.

You can find the larger 2 cu. ft. Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix (yellow bag) in the outdoor garden section shown below. I had to get some assistance to access my bag, as they had just been delivered.

Now I have a mobile garden that will freshen up any meal. Plus, it looks adorable on my back patio! If you've been looking to start your own garden, be sure to grab some Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix. It made transferring my herbs simple and these herbs have never looked happier!
Are you planting a garden this year?
P.S. Be sure to check out this Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix Youtube video.