FUN & CREATIVE WEDDING FAVOR!Multi-colored converse keychains stuffed with beautiful smelling dried lavender & tied with purple ribbons!
I'm not at liberty to say where we ordered from, but we got a KILLER DEAL with the converse keychains! $2 bucks a piece!!!As for the lavender, there is so much growing around in the forest, we can't wait to run around & pick a bunch to dry! We'll stuff the keychains with the dried lavender, and tie purple ribbons on the shoe laces! Perhaps I'll even add a drop or two of lavender oil for an intense scent! I'll make sure to post pictures once we start making them, I placed my order already. SO excited!!!What do you guys think of my DIY wedding favor idea :) ? Share some of your ideas, I'm always open to suggestion! Stay beautiful ❤-Tanja xoxo