Celeb Magazine

DIY: Homemade Lemonade

Posted on the 09 January 2013 by Shanlakes
DIY: Homemade Lemonade
This year I've decided to start making more food and drinks myself. It is always healthier and comforting to know all of the ingredients going in to what you are putting in your body. I found this do-it-yourself (homemade lemonade) recipe from the Food Network. Hope you enjoy it! xx 


2 cups of sugar
1 cup of hot water
2 cups of fresh lemon juice
1 galon of cold water
(1-2) lemons to slice

DIY: Homemade Lemonade
DIY: Homemade Lemonade DIY: Homemade Lemonade DIY: Homemade Lemonade DIY: Homemade Lemonade {When serving lemonade to guests it always looks nice/adds flavor to add a sliced lemon to the drink, and sugar to the rim of the glass}

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