To get my circle stickers, I ran the tape along some paper (cardstock works good, too).
Then punched out my circles with my paper punch.
And since I don't have fingernails... I used a dab of water to peel off the paper from the tape. The little bit of water I used doesn't alter the effectiveness of painters tape. Yay again! But if you can peel them suckers off without water.. all the better. Just be sure to peel carefully. No need to rush these things.
An alternative I've seen people do is sticking your tape to wax paper, then punching. But the wax paper wouldn't peel off of the tape for me.
Once you've placed your circles where you want them, you can get ready for paint.
I used this brand of paint. And it used about 2 good coats.
And here's how she looks:
Not bad for a dollar!
Have fun!!