Hair & Beauty Magazine

DIY: Depotting: How to Depot Sleek Makeup Eye Shadow Palettes

By Makeuptemple @makeuptemple


how to depot sleek eye shadow palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palette

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

how to depot sleek makeup palettes

To Depot Sleek Makeup Palettes you need

1- Candle / Big Kitchen Lighter

2- Empty Palette or what ever you use to depot your eye shadows

3- Carving Tool

Put your eye shadow palette on to your candle, and wait for about 3-5 minutes

Than take your carving tool and turn your shadow palette and push it with your carving tool

You will see that the plastic thing that hold the shadows start to come off

Heat it a bit more, than remove that plastic holder with the help off your carving tool,

After that you can start to depot your eye shadows.

In this  picture I used the new Z-Palette, and I depotted  3 Sleek Eye Shadow Palettes into this

Later than I transferred them to my MAC eye shadow Palette, it fitted into MAC perfectly as well.


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