Okay…. I might have a problem with loving ridiculous accessories.
I’m not sure why I love this (sold out) Charlotte Olympia Air Mail clutch, but the heart wants what the heart wants…

The original clutch goes for $950, and I spent about $30 making my own.
I get my ridiculous accessory and I save $920 – I think this qualifies as a life win.
Tools Needed
a white leather clutch / red, blue, gold acrylic paint / black puffy paint / painters tape / scissors

1 / First tape off a painting template for the border – make sure to tape right before you paint, as leaving tape on leather for too long can strip the base colour
2 / Next paint alternating red and blue – I used three thin coats of paint
3 / Remove tape as soon as the paint dries – clean up any edges that bled or look uneven
4 / With a pen, write the lettering and draw the mail stamps – don’t worry about being too precise, the original version has a hand-drawn quality.
5 / With black puffy paint, trace over what you drew
6 / After the mail stamp lines have dried, paint over it with gold paint – three coats should be enough
* / Optional step – use a matte spray finish to seal all the paint – this will keep paint from peeling

Something about holding the clutch makes me want to travel!

x0 Alana