Pearls are definitely having a moment right now, and I’m totally on the bandwagon. I spotted this giant pearl bag on the Chanel Resort 14/15 runway, and I love how creative/kooky/ fun Chanel is getting with their accessories. Time to make my own!

(left: Chanel Pearl bag, right: my DIY version)

It’s super easy to make, and when you carry it, it starts conversations for you!

Tools you need:
- one fillable Christmas ornament (I found mine at Michael’s for a few dollars)
- opalescent white paint
-chain (found at a craft store)
-thin white ribbon
- pliers, scissors & paintbrush

Start by covering your ornament with a few coats of opalescent white paint.

Once the ornament is fully painted and dry, measure on your shoulder a length of chain you need and using pliers, release any extra chain. Attach chain to the ornament and squeeze firmly shut on the ring.

Begin threading your ribbon through the chain to give it that Chanel look, making sure the ribbon doesn’t get too twisted as you go.

Knot and secure the ribbon at both ends and voila! You’re done!

This is certainly no everyday functional bag, but its super fun to swing around and take on an evening out.
Are you guys feeling the pearl?
xo Alana