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DIY Blogger Handbook Class

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
DIY Blogger Handbook classDIY Blogger Handbook classI'm pleased as punch to announce a class I'm teaching on Atly starting August 11th called the DIY Blogger Handbook. It's the class I wish I would have had when I started out blogging. The course covers everything you need to make a successful DIY or tutorial-based blog post: concept creation, creation, styling, photography, formatting the blog post, and promoting the post on social media. I've teamed up with my trusted go-to photographer, Trisha Zemp, to do the photography portion so you know it's gonna be good! It's perfect for someone wanting to start a tutorial-based blog to others who are doing it now and just want to improve their skills.
The class will be available for pre-order in the next couple of weeks and then will go live come August 11th so stay tuned! But don't worry, this is a place where I let you know everything you never wanted to know so you bet I'll be telling you when it's up!
Check out the 17 other new classes on Atly here including some from my favorite people like a kid's craft camp with Mer Mag, a stationery business 101 class with Sycamore Street Press, Patterns and Illustrator with Alma Loveland, Photoshop and branding with Melanie Burke, Creative Children's Spaces with Meta Coleman, Oil Painting Landscapes with Nick Coleman
photography by Trisha Zemp 
pssst: speaking of classes, only a couple of spots left for my paper flower wreath workshop in SLC on Wednesday! Sign up here! 

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