King Akbar always pestered Tansen to tell him about a musician who was greater than him.
Tansen always evaded the question. But one day as King Akbar asked him in an angry manner, Tansen got scared and said, ' My lord Swami Haridas of Barindaven is a greater musician than me.'
At this King Akbar asked him to call Swami Haridas to his court.
' My lord Swami Haridas won't come. He only sings for God. And calling him by force won't be a good thing to do. If you really want to listen to him you should go to Barindaven in disguise,' suggested Tansen.
King Akbar did the same. He was so mesmerised by Swami Haridas' singing that Tansen had to request him to leave the temple.
While returning King Akbar asked Tansen why doesn't he sing like Swami Haridas.
Tansen smiled softly and replied, ' My lord Swami Haridas sings for God that's why his voice has a divine touch whereas I sing for you. '
At this King Akbar ordered him to close his eyes while singing and think as if he is signing for God and from that day on Tansen's voice acquired a divine touch.