Title: Divine Sanctuary
Author: Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Publisher: Imagin Books
Pages: 210
Genre: Paranormal Mystery/Crime/Thriller/Romance
Format: Kindle
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There's no place like home…
In the Divine trilogy finale, the heat is tripled when CFBI Agent Jasi McLellan must rescue Emily, the ghost girl that haunts her dreams; expose her own mother's killer; and uncover a murderer that preys on the weak at Sanctuary, a controversial cult nestled in the woods near Mission, BC.
Something insidious lurks behind the safe haven of Sanctuary's wrought iron gates. Led by the charismatic Father Jeremiah, the cult's idyllic lifestyle seems perfect on the outside. But a lethal hunter is on the prowl, and in a carefully executed game of cat and mouse, the body count rises.
Along with Victim Empath Natassia Prushenko, Psychometric Empath Ben Roberts and Special Consultant Brandon Walsh, Jasi follows three trails of clues that lead to one terrifying conclusion: home is not always the safest place on earth.
Book Excerpt:
Emily emerged from the shadows of Jasi's closet. She drifted forward, her feet barely touching the floor. Her head, with its long blonde hair, lolled at an awkward―strangled―angle.
In this dream, an adult Jasi gasped in surprise.
The pink skipping rope noose was gone.
"You're ready, Jasmine."
"Ready for what?"
"To start looking for me."
Jasi stood still, mesmerized by the bruises around the girl's neck. They were fading before her eyes.
"The skipping rope is gone," she said finally. "And your bruises are disappearing."
"Yours will too," Emily said.
"I don't have any bruises."
Emily led Jasi to the mirror. When she peered into it, her image shifted from a young Jasmine back to her adult reflection. One arm was bent in front of her, throbbing as though someone was squeezing it hard then letting it go. Yellowed bruises dotted her arm.
Emily tried to smile. "In time all your bruises will fade. But first, ya have to set things right."
"And how do I do that? Oh, right, I have to find you."
"Yes. Find me." The dead girl floated backward.
"Wait!" Jasi cried out. "Why did your bruises fade?"
"Because you're one step closer to finding me."
"How? I don't know anything more than I did before."
Emily blended into the shadows. Before they swallowed her, she said, "You may think you aren't any closer to finding me, but trust me, you are." Darkness closed in around her.
Jasi took an anxious step forward. "Emily?"
Silence greeted her.
And a mystery.
She took a deep breath. "I'll find you, Emily."
For More Information
- Divine Sanctuary is available at Amazon.
- Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
- Watch the trailer at YouTube.
- Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.
- Read the first chapter here.
Meet the Author
Cheryl Kaye Tardif is an award-winning, international bestselling Canadian suspense author. Her novels include Divine Sanctuary, Submerged, Divine Justice, Children of the Fog, The River, Divine Intervention, and Whale Song, which New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice calls "a compelling story of love and family and the mysteries of the human heart...a beautiful, haunting novel."
She is now working on her next thriller.
Cheryl also enjoys writing short stories inspired mainly by her author idol Stephen King, and this has resulted in Skeletons in the Closet & Other Creepy Stories (collection of shorts) and Remote Control (novelette eBook). In 2010 Cheryl detoured into the romance genre with her contemporary romantic suspense debut, Lancelot's Lady, written under the pen name of Cherish D'Angelo.
Booklist raves, "Tardif, already a big hit in Canada…a name to reckon with south of the border."
For More Information
- Visit Cheryl Kaye Tardif’s website.
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- More books by Cheryl Kaye Tardif.
- Contact Cheryl.