The warm, sunny vibes of Goodbye Chanel’s “Youth” are enough to make summer, or at least the feeling of it, last for a few more weeks. It has everything you could want from a surfy post-pop band from Brighton: bubbling harmonized guitar riffs, wistful vocals, lyrics about all kinds of beach activities and a healthy amount of reverb. Soundtracking the kind of beach you would find along the coast of England, the song is bright, inviting and mellow but still with a purposeful drive. When the 80s style synth interlude comes in, you can almost “feel the ocean breeze, so heavenly.” If you want more of that sweet summer sound, check out the rest of Goodbye Chanel’s Hot City Nights.
Entertainment Magazine
Dive into Goodbye Chanel’s ‘youth’ [stream]
Posted on the 03 September 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie
Goodbye Chanel – Youth