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Disney-Inspired Doll Tutu's

By Nclark
Happy 2015 everyone!!  What a year 2014 was - so many schedule changes and not enough time for crafting.  I am hopeful this year will not be so chaotic and I can get my craft on!
New for this year, I am a Brownie troop leader - I look forward to sharing our fun projects with you.  :)
Doll tutu outfits are always a huge hit at craft shows; so last year I decided to make some that were Disney-inspired.  I absolutely love how they turned out!!   There are tons of different variations and interpretations of the characters; the possibilities are endless.  For the princesses; I decided to keep the tutu's a bit longer so they emulated dresses or ball gowns.
Here's a sample of some of my favorites!
Sofia the First Inspired Tutu -
Disney-Inspired Doll Tutu's
Rapunzel Inspired Tutu -
Disney-Inspired Doll Tutu's
Belle Inspired Tutu -
Disney-Inspired Doll Tutu's
Minnie Mouse Inspired Tutu -
Disney-Inspired Doll Tutu's
Snow White Inspired Tutu -
Disney-Inspired Doll Tutu's
Anna Inspired Tutu - Disney-Inspired Doll Tutu's
I also had to throw in a superhero tutu for those little girls who aren't so much into the princesses!!
Disney-Inspired Doll Tutu's
Happy Crafting!!

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