Parenting Magazine

Discovery Kids 3-in-1 Balloon Pumper for Water Balloon Fun--Review

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2
Discovery Kids 3-in-1 Balloon Pumper for Water Balloon Fun--Review I know one thing for sure when summertime comes: my kids become obsessed with water balloons.  Could it be a coincidence since their Mommy likes them too? 
Water balloons are so much fun on hot summer days. They cool you down, plus they can be played with in thousands of ways! You can play:
  • water balloon tag
  • water balloon toss
  • water balloon basketball 
  • water balloon hot potato
  • throw the water balloon through a ring
  • water balloon target practice
  • water balloon dodge ball
and so much more!  To use water balloons, you obviously need access to a water source. Some people fill up the balloons in their household sink and place them in a bucket. Others use the hose or outdoor water spigot to fill their balloons. I recently made an awesome purchase for my son's 5th birthday: the Discovery Kids 3-in-1 Balloon Pumper.   It's a large water bottle that can be used to fill water balloons, pump up balloons for a party, or can be used as a mister. Plus, it comes with 500 water balloons for water balloon fun!  Discovery Kids 3-in-1 Balloon Pumper for Water Balloon Fun--Review Since it's super hot here, we had the balloon pump outside to have some water balloon fun. I was a little afraid that it wouldn't meet my expectations, but it worked great. It filled about 10-20 balloons with one bottle full of water (depends on how much water you put in the balloons) and it did so quickly. It's a great mister for little kids who don't like being sprayed with a hose as well. I was very surprised at how easily it filled balloons with air; I'll definitely be using it for the next birthday party! I bought the Discovery Kids 3-in-1 Balloon Pumper at Toys R' Us for around $10, but it can also be found on Amazon here Stay cool!
Discovery Kids 3-in-1 Balloon Pumper for Water Balloon Fun--Review Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best
I was not compensated for this review. This post contains affiliate links.

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