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Different Treatments of Vitiligo

Posted on the 31 December 2014 by Cheekymeeky

vitiligo Vitiligo causes depigmentation of the skin wherein melanin secretion is restricted and white patches begin to appear. While vitiligo is mostly considered as an autoimmune disease there are several other reasons including chemical contact, excessive sunburn and emotional stress. Only 1.5% of the global population suffers from this condition in some form but older people and women are more at risk. To treat vitiligo, it is necessary to diagnose and understand the first signs and symptoms. There isn’t a complete cure of the disease. As such, it would be advisable to start treatment to contain the spread.

Treatment of vitiligo ranges from the use of steroids, application of ultraviolet light and plastic surgery to herbal and natural treatments. In theory, non-segmental treatment works better than segmental alternatives. Traditionally, vitiligo natural treatments has however been treated with naturally occurring extracts and is also considered the safest alternative.

  1. Phototherapy

Phototherapy requires exposing the damaged/discolored skin to UV lights. An easy procedure, it can be done both at home and under the supervision of a specialist in a clinic. It is however important that you don’t overexpose the affected area. Further, phototherapy should only be considered if the problem has shown up for not more than three years. Treatment with UV does have its side effects and it is best to consult a specialist.

  1. Immune mediators

An autoimmune disease, vitiligo can be cured by application of immune catalyst into the system. Immunosuppressant drugs like tacrolimus have shown favorable results in some cases but it is still an experimental method and isn’t highly advisable.

An autoimmune disease, vitiligo can be cured by application of immune catalyst into the system. Immunosuppressant drugs like tacrolimus have shown favorable results in some cases but it is still an experimental method and isn’t advisable.

  1. De-pigmentation

If Vitiligo has affected a person with a fair skin tone, unaffected areas can be de-pigmented using bleaching agents to come up with a uniform skin tone. The removal of skin pigment is however a vigorous procedure and needs expert supervision.

  1. Natural herbal treatments

Several natural extracts have been found to be beneficial to skin affected by vitiligo. Traditionally, this form of leucoderma is treated by plant extracts from turmeric, ginger, duckweed, papaya, carrots, lemon, honey, basil and many others. Red clay is also a proven form of treatment. Natural herbal treatments scarcely have any side effects and are easy to administer. These home remedies have been used for decades now and have been able to limit and even cure the affected skin. Results take time but show up within the first 6 months of administration.

  1. Skin camouflage

Apart from discoloration of the skin, vitiligo doesn’t have any other negative effect on the body. It is more like a social stigma and related to the appearance of a person than his health. Using skin camouflaging products, small instanced of vitiligo can be concealed.

Vitiligo affected people are advised to stay out of mental and physical stress. Since the condition is related to blood circulation and secretion of melanin, massage therapies too seem to be a theoretical cure. Whatever path of treatment you choose; it is however advised that you do so in consultation with a doctor. Even with natural treatment methods, some plant extracts can prove to be allergic to an individual’s skin.

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