Entertainment Magazine

Die Tomorrow (Acoustic) – Ashley DuBose

Posted on the 22 July 2013 by Timothy Purdy
If today was my last day, what would I say, before it's too late, to the people that I love, what would I wan,t them to know.

Ashley DuBose comes at it again with an entire acoustic version of her last album Somethin' More. Done in one single take, Ashley and two guitarists, Dwight Hall & Omid Huttar perform flawlessly. In fact you can often hear them prepare before starting.

Die Tomorrow (Acoustic), along with many of the songs on this album, tugs at your emotions with inspiration lines relating to very specific life lessons. You can hear Ashley teach the things she has learned in the past, almost as if it is the last step in learning them.

You can get hit my a drunk driver, you could lose your mother or daughter, you could die before you even woke up; don't take advantage of the life you were given or even expect that tomorrow is a guarantee.

All I can say is check this song out. It will not disappoint.

Listen. Download. Share.

Ashley DuBose

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