Diaries Magazine

Didn't Go To #Typeacon? Here's What You Missed

By Parentingsmh @parentingsmh
If you're thinking about going to a blog conference for the first time and are still on the fence, Amanda, has a few tidbits from her experience that may give you a little nudge.
  1. dumbparent So you're thinking about going to #TypeACon next year? Maybe I can convince you?!parentingbydummies.com/2012...
    2 hours ago ReplyRetweet
  2. For the brands out there not sure a blog conference is for you, here are some words of advice from CecilyK, a frequent conference attendee and speaker, who for the first time, worked a sponsor booth at #typeacon.
  3. Cecilyk So working at a booth at #Typeacon was VERY different from just attending. My suggestions for approaching a booth! bit.ly/KMF8qB
    2 hours ago ReplyRetweet
  4. Besides all the great networking events, parties, and random social gatherings, #typeacon was a great conference to learn essential skills for growing your brand.  Skills like pitching to brands and bloggers.  Sessions like these really helped to fule our confidence and help us be more prepared to manage our careers and land more jobs and clients.
  5. WELLinTHIShouse Why Pitching is Like Dating and more from@dbinkowski & @centsiblelife – #TypeAConbit.ly/LG3eAQ
    Christina Gleason
    an hour ago ReplyRetweet
  6. #Typeacon was an extremely enlightening experience, especially for a blog con newbie like myself.  It was amazing to meet some of the bloggers I've been tweeting with and following for months, and to make new connections with awesome folks I hadn't gotten around to yet.
  7. Didn't Go To #Typeacon?  Here's What You Missed
    W/ @roundrockgal @smhmama @4hatsandfrugal @saramomof2 at #typeacon BlogWorld Party
    The Chatty Momma
[<a href="http://storify.com/Zonica/a-message-about-typeacon" target="_blank">View the story "A Message About #typeacon" on Storify</a>]

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