I'll bet if someone took a poll (and I did) asking dads what they really wanted for Father's Day, there'd be a lot of answers like these:
🙂 Do something fun with my kids
🙂 Do "something fun" with my partner
Take a nap
🙂 Eat good food, drink good drink
🙂 Health and long life
There would also be a couple of "Jimi Hendrix's Stratocaster" and "world peace" answers in the mix, but you get the gist. What fathers really and truly want is time with family, good health, and a happy (sleep-filled) existence.
But what does Dad actually get?
Based on another poll (& personal experience) it likely included the following:
a tie 🙁 socks 🙁 underwear 🙁 golf tees 🙁 a mug 🙁 key chain 🙁 paperweight 🙁 t-shirt 🙁 an apron 🙁 a coozie 🙁 coupon book 🙁 weird crafts 🙁 a chamois 🙁 box of half-inflated balloons
Sounds like a swag bag from the lamest convention ever.
Don't get me wrong - Dads love the thought behind every sloppily painted rock, "World's Best Farter" t-shirt, or bulk-size bag of tighty-whities you give us. Even if we wear boxers.
And while we're on the subject... why not give Dad something that will make him smile, put a spring in his step and a spark in his brain, and make his heart go pitter-patter?
This all-in-one yummy gummy is the perfect remedy for whatever doo-dad you got Dad. Pair SmartyPants with any of the yawn-inducing tchotchkes from above, and transform them from meh to MARVELOUS! In addition to being a power-packed multivitamin, SmartyPants Men's Complete also includes:
to boost brain power, which can mean better concentration on the green and at the game console...
to improve heart health, leaving Dad in the pink and always ready to party...
, which not only gives SmartyPants their red color, but also aids arterial health and prostate support. Good circulation + healthy prostate = lots more "something fun" with your partner... 😉
And they're CRAZY TASTY, so it appeals to Dad's taste buds, bud.
Give Dad the gift of health and happiness for Father's Day and every day.
Designer Daddy is giving away SmartyPants Men's Complete to 3 (THREE!) lucky dads! Each bottle contains 180 delicious gummy vitamins, and the ingredients to a happy, healthy pop.
How to enter:
In the comments section, share what you got/gave for Father's Day, then click "Leave a blog post comment" in the contest widget to complete your entry. Tweet about the giveaway, or visit SmartyPants and Designer Daddy on Facebook for additional entries.
a Rafflecopter giveawayI partnered with SmartyPants Vitamins for this giveaway. However, all opinions and poll results are mine.
*Grilling SmartyPants vitamins is not recommended. Also, they're not meat-flavored.