Tech Magazine

Did Video (Or Tablets) Kill The Radio Star?

Posted on the 01 November 2012 by Expectlabs @ExpectLabs

Flurry Analytics published a report last month that reveals how tablet owners are using their beloved glowing gadgets, paving way for predictions on the future of digital content consumption. The study finds that users are spending longer periods of time on their tablets than on their phones, at an average of 4.1 minutes per session, compared to 8.2 minutes for tablet owners.  Furthermore, tablet owners mainly use their devices during primetime television (7-10 p.m.), while smartphone usage is more distributed throughout the day. It also comes as no surprise that tablet owners are devouring more games, entertainment, and media than their smaller-screened counterparts, because there is more room to work with. So this leaves us with one question: Is the future of curling up around your set top box TV soon to be a thing of the past? 

Many tablet owners watch TV directly through their tablets or smart TVs, or use two screens in conjunction with one another. A survey conducted by NPD in June, states that 10% of consumers use their Android tablet or iPad to watch TV, up 4% from the previous year. The new living room has migrated from the hearth, to the radio, to the TV set, and now to the tablet, with the tablet screen becoming the three-bears version of home entertainment needs: not too big, not too small, but juuuust right. 

What other things do you predict the tablet will disrupt? Let us know in the comments section below.

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