The plain fact is that governments do engage in deception, including plotting and instigating false flags — phony mass traumatic events — to advance a covert agenda.
One of the most famous false flags is the Reichstag fire of February, 1933 — an arson attack on the German government’s Reichstag (parliamentary) building in Berlin.
Adolf Hitler, who was sworn in as Chancellor only 4 weeks before, blamed the fire on the Nazis’ rival, the Communists — that the Reichstag fire was the beginning of a Communist plot to overthrow the Weimar Republic. Hitler succeeded in getting then-President Paul von Hindenburg to pass an emergency decree. Civil liberties were suspended; the German government instituted mass arrests of Communists, including all of the Communist parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rivals gone and their parliamentary seats empty, Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) went from being a plurality party to the majority, thereby ushering in Hitler’s consolidation of power.
In the United States, there is increasing and compelling evidence that the Sandy Hook school massacre on December 14, 2012, and the Boston Marathon Bombings on April 15, 2013, are both false-flag contrived events. (See “Former CIA spy: Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing were false flags“)
Some of us have become so cynical that we suspect every traumatic event to be another false flag. After all, President Ebola’s former White House adviser (and current mayor of Chicago) Rahm Emanuel did famously advise his fellow Democrats never to let a crisis go to waste, but to make political hay out of those crises.
Adding to our unease is the fact that certain mass traumatic events seemed to have been foreshadowed by eerie pop culture images and references.
As examples:
1. The name “Sandy Hook” is written on a map in the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises. (The movie is now infamous for being the one shown in a midnight premier on July 20, 2012, in Century Theater, Aurora, Colorado, where alleged lone gunman James Holmes shot and killed 12 and wounded 58.) In the movie, when plotters are determining where mayhem will erupt, police commissioner James Gordon (played by Gary Oldman) points to a map showing a targeted area identified as Sandy Hook, also known as “Strike Zone 1″ where Gotham Stadium is located.

2. The name “Aurora” appears on the top of a skyscraper in the backdrop of another scene in Dark Knight Rises:

3. Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Games — a book about young people who have to hunt down and kill each other, which was made into a popular series of movies — lives in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, where alleged lone gunman Adam Lanza shot his mother and 26 people in the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The terrorist attacks on New York City’s twin towers on September 11, 2001 seemed to have been presaged by many images and ads that, in retrospect, appear sinister and downright spooky. Here are 7 presaging images.
1. The cover design for an album by the hip-hop band The Coup:

The album cover was pulled within two days of the attack, and replaced with a new design in time for the album’s release date of November 6, 2001.
2. In the 1999 movie The Matrix, there’s a scene showing the passport of Neo expiring on September 11, 2001.

3. 1981 Asbestos ad:

4. 1979 Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) ad:

5. A really awful ad for Maker’s Mark Bourbon:

6. An ad for an Israeli candy called Elite:

7. 1997 FEMA Emergency Response to Terrorism booklet:

The latest pop culture presage has to do with the current Ebola epidemic.
In 1987, the popular animated TV show The Simpsons had an episode in which Marge Simpson offered her son, Bart, who was sick in bed, a children’s book titled Curious George and the Ebola Virus.

Are these mere accidental coincidences?
Are they instances of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s synchronicity? — temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events (i.e., the events are apparently not causally related) which reveal an underlying pattern or a larger framework. If they are, what is the underlying pattern or larger framework?
Or are these not coincidences at all, but rather signs of a hidden hand manipulating events, which some attribute to the Illuminati or the shadowy Powers That Be?
What do you think? Sound off in our poll!
Take Our Poll~Eowyn