Social Media Magazine

Did Social Media Kill Professionalism?

Posted on the 20 February 2013 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia
An overload of communications

(Photo credit: windsordi)

My company is doing an annual review, and this mini-survey will help me. Do you mind filling one for me?

I received the message above in my LinkedIn inbox this morning. It was addressed to two other people.

How do I know that? Simply because the sender did not even care to hide their names.

This person is not even an acquaintance. We connected on the social network a while ago, but I do not remember their expressing interest in knowing me.

LinkedIn is not Facebook. It is a place for professionals to interact with other professionals, a site where your skills and expertise are your highest currencies. Your unwillingness to add a personal and friendly touch to your messages will say a lot about the way you do business and treat others.

Social media did not kill professionalism. We did.

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This article by Cendrine Marrouat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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