At long last, my chickens have started laying again! As we were working on the bathhouse deck last Wednesday, I heard one of them erupt in an almighty clucking, so I suspected there might be an egg, and I was right! We’ve averaged one a day since, which is pretty good for pullets; by the end of the month it’ll be more like half a dozen a day. And just in time, because I was mightily tired of paying grocery store prices for not-very-fresh eggs. We’ve used the last of the store-bought ones already, so we’re going to try to avoid buying any more now. In other news, I’m proofreading Ask Maggie, Volume I, and hope to release it by the end of the month; given all the work I’m doing on the house, I’m honestly surprised I’m only a couple of weeks ahead of schedule. I’d say “knock wood”, but I think I’m doing quite enough of that in the construction process: sometimes intentionally with a deadblow hammer to persuade a board to go someplace it’s reluctant to go, and sometimes unintentionally with my head.