Hoo boy, what a weekend! My friend Angela Keaton flew in on Thursday for my birthday weekend, which has basically consisted of eating, drinking and being merry with her, Grace, and a bunch of my other friends in various combinations since then until late last night, when I brought her back to the airport. Some of you may have noticed I was conspicuously absent from Twitter since Friday, and others that there was no Who night pic last night; the former was due to my being busy carousing and otherwise spending as little time sober as possible, and the latter to Lorelei’s and my moving our weekly date to tomorrow for my birthday (it’ll be back to Sunday next week). Of course, that means I let my usual three to five day lead on this blog (remember when it was weeks?) kinda run out, and I’m writing this only about 90 minutes before it publishes. But it was worth it (as were the hangovers), and I’ll catch up again by next weekend or so. And I hope you’ll understand if I keep this one short and sweet, so I can catch up on something else: my sleep.