I’m currently in the proofreading stage of preparing The Forms of Things Unknown; the foreword and all the story introductions are done except for the introduction to the first story, for the simple reason that I haven’t written it yet. I simply haven’t had an idea that has gelled into a tale, and I want to do an original to open this collection (as a bookend to the final tale, which I wrote in ’93 but have never shared with y’all). But don’t worry; as y’all probably know I’m a very fast writer, so once the story forms in my mind it will be typed out, placed, edited and introduced within 24 hours. Chester Brown is working on the cover art (and his preliminary sketches are very exciting!) so I’m hoping to have both content and art ready by the end of the year, and to be compiling and checking the proofs (first digital, then physical) by the beginning of the year. Fingers crossed! Speaking of books, last week I received a gift from long-time reader Korhomme: The Story of Sex, which combines one of my favorite topics with one of my favorite media. Thank you!