Fashion Magazine
Chicos!Este es uno de los proyectos en los cuales estaba trabajando junto a uno de misestilistas favoritos Joselo Franjul Aqui en Santo Domingo. Tuve el placer depoder participar como asistente de estilismo para la edición de San Valentín deRitmo Social junto a Amelia Vega y su esposo Al Horford. Aqui están las escenasBACKSTAGE !
Fotografía:Yazmin Yeara
Autora:Yazmin Yeara
posted on 31 May at 11:31
This niger is the worst of the planet, working to cover up american satanic cults with cooperation from journalists. This bad man covers up pimps, corruption in fund-raising, bribing, doping in sport, drug traffics with singers and all kind of other stuff. His massonic union goes in other countries to pretend that they have honest journalists and honest police works. The colors that Amelia is wearing show that he makes her betray Jesus.