Destiny is back in the tower today, and he's got some pretty cool exotic gear for you to grab.
He’s in the North Tower, to the right of the Speakers’s room.
Let’s take a look at the latest weapons and gear from your favorite Destiny trader.
- No Backup Plans [Titan Gauntlets] – 13SC
- ATS/8 Arachnid [Hunter Helmet] – 13SC
- Heart of the Praxic Fire [Warlock Chest Armour] – 13SC
- Universal Remote [Shotgun] – 17SC
- Exotic Shard – 7SC
- Helmet Engram – 23 Motes of Light
- ARMOUR – Achlyophage Symbiote, Mask of the Third Man, An Insurmountable Skullfort, Crest of Alpha Lupi, Skull of Dire Ahamkara, Voidfang Vestments.
- WEAPONS – Bad Juju, Thorn, Invective, Universal Remote, Thunderlord, Super Godd Advice, Monte Carlo.