Bungie unveiled Destiny's next big expansion, The Taken King, during Sony's E3 press conference last night.
The expansion, which will see players face off against Crota's father, Oryx, will also include the long-awaited third subclasses for Titans, Warlocks and Hunters.
Hunters will receive the Nightstalker subclass, which gives Void abilities plus a new bow. Titans get the Sunbreaker, which includes a new solar hammer to bring down area-of-effect damage on foes. Finally, Warlocks will get Stormcaller, which focuses on Arc energy and allows players to cast lightning from their fingertips.
The pack will include a new story campaign, new locations, enemies to fight, Crucible maps plus a brand new Raid - something which was absent from the last expansion, House of Wolves.
The Taken King also promises a "massive arsenal" of weapons, armor and gear. Players yet to buy Destiny can pick up the Legendary Edition when The Taken King launches on September 15, which includes all previously launched DLC as well as the game.
Sony has also detailed the exclusive content coming to PlayStation-exclusive content coming with The Taken King on the PlayStation Blog:
- The Echo Chamber Co-op Strike - "Join forces with your fellow guardians to hold off an onslaught of Vex, and sabotage their efforts to bridge time and undo the victories of the past."
- Sector 618 competitive multiplayer map - "Challenge your fellow Guardians in this Crucible map set within the ruins of an Earth colony reclaimed from the House of Wolves. Fans of Clash and Control modes will find plenty to love in this mid-sized arena: each side’s narrow chambers give way to an open center area, connected only by two exposed bridges and a handful of small platforms for the adventurous."
- The Jade Rabbit exotic weapon - "Featuring a 13-shot magazine, advanced scope, and adorable rabbit decal, this is the Scout Rifle you bring to a sniper fight."
- Legendary Gear Sets - Hesperos (Titan), Azoth Bend (Warlock), Neuroghast (Hunter)