Debate Magazine

Dennis Prager, Michael Medved and the Gatekeepers of the Right

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Dennis Prager

Do you ever listen to Dennis Prager?

I do. He’s a very wise man.

So is Michael Medved, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and a host of other conservative talk show hosts. All of them very wise men. By listening to them speak, or by reading their books, you can learn a lot about morality, conservatism, liberalism, the right, the left, economics, etc., but the one thing you’ll never hear is the Truth.

As wise as all these men are, they choose to live in a sort of conspiratorial fantasy world. A world where if it’s not on the front page of the New York Times, or front and center on the NBC Nightly News, then it’s not real. It doesn’t exist.

This is ironic, because all of these men constantly rail about lies and distortions in the mainstream media. And yet they allow this same mainstream media, though proven by their own experience and observation to be untruthful and riddled with bias, to dictate their reality. Think about that for a moment. These are otherwise very intelligent men, who represent millions of other otherwise very intelligent men, who allow their lives to be controlled and manipulated by the very same media sources which they themselves know to be filled with disinformation and lies. It’s positively mind-boggling.

You can prove this to yourself very easily: call up one of their shows and mildly suggest that perhaps the truth about Sandy Hook or the Boston Marathon bombing are not quite what we’ve been told in the mainstream media. You’ll be insulted, slandered, and hung up on so fast it’ll make your head spin.

Forget facts. Never mind evidence. Those subjects are simply off-limits. So are the words “crisis actor”, aka Obama’s Connecticut social security numbers or homosexual past, satanism in the entertainment industry, the 1982 Consent Agreement between the RNC and DNC, any mention of the connection between vaccines and autism, and a whole host of other subjects.

Some people suggest that these men are professional disinformationists, or controlled opposition. I’m not sure about that. It’s hard for me to imagine Dennis Prager or Michael Medved as less than honorable men. And yet they are far too intelligent to be labeled useful idiots. Perhaps useful intelligentsia.

Rush Limbaugh is too damn smart not to know what’s really going on. Is he afraid of losing credibility if he speaks the Truth? Is that what they’re all afraid of?

These men have all built nice cushy careers peddling a form of mainstream conservatism. Is their fear of losing their prestige greater then their sense of duty to God and country? I wonder if they really believe in the fantasy world that they claim exists. It takes courage to face reality and look evil in the face. Most men are just too frightened to do that. For most people, the idea that evil exists and the possibility that the reality they’ve grown up with might be false is enough to set off alarm bells in most people’s heads and short circuit their brain.

What do you think?

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By Solo Prepper
posted on 05 January at 03:56

There are certain subjects that are off-limits to conservative media, but I finally realized Limbaugh and Prager and the rest are compromised. I used to think the sun rose jand set with Prager but realize he's just as fallible as anyone. This world is controlled by satan and only Christ's love and forgiveness will save us.

By Solo Prepper
posted on 05 January at 03:43

Great observation about the right wing alternative media. Whether they're controlled opposition or not is immaterial.