Debate Magazine

Democrats Are Crybabies

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


Democrats are Crybabies

When I was five and six-years-old there was an expression common to most five and six-year-olds. That expression was crybaby.

A crybaby is someone who pouts and cries when then they don’t get their way. In extreme cases, a crybaby will even pout and cry when they do get their way. Crybabies are absorbed with themselves, and their outbursts often come at the expense of well-meaning people around them.

A common characteristic of crybabies is their refusal to acknowledge evidence, facts, and common sense. It does no good for mom to explain to little Debbie that she can’t have the sandbox all to herself, because other little children came to the park to play in the sandbox, too. Little Debbie will have none of it. She’ll scream and wail until the parents of those other children pull their sons and daughters out of the sandbox and she has it all to herself.

Most children are taught not to be crybabies. They’re taught that part of growing up involves seeing things from the other person’s point of view, that sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the common good, that personal feelings must often be put aside. Those are all lessons that democrats and progressives have never learned.

Democrats and progressives live life according to their feelings. If something makes them feel good, then they demand it, regardless of the consequences to other people. Like the example of Debbie above in her sandbox, they live in a myopic world ruled by their own capricious desires. They are the ultimate crybabies.

When Lincoln and the Republican Party abolished slavery, petulant Democrats flew into a rage and created the Ku Klux Klan. For more than a hundred years, they terrorized both black and white Americans. Why? Because their feelings were hurt and they didn’t get their way.

Today, 150 years later, that racism still exists in the Democratic Party via welfare, affirmative action, and dumbed down education.

More recently, we’ve seen crybaby Democrats take to the streets in looting frenzies in Missouri and Baltimore. Why? Because the media fed them a false narrative that hurt their feelings. Their reaction? Wail, scream and pout.

Have you ever seen a toddler fly into a rage and knock down a store display or hurl their own toys against the wall? Ask yourself whether there’s really any difference between that child and the childish adults you saw acting out in Ferguson and Baltimore.

Have you ever seen a toddler throw a fit in a supermarket or other public place? You would think that any reasonable parent would take the child quietly outside until they cooled down. However, my experience has been the opposite. I almost always see the parent ignoring the child, who continues to scream, wail and destroy, much to the detriment of the other shoppers. The parent doesn’t care about those other shoppers.

Ask yourself whether there’s really any difference between the actions of those parents and the actions of the Democratic Governor of Missouri, who apparently ordered the National Guard to stand down during the recent riots, or the actions of the Democratic Mayor of Baltimore who gave the rioters “space to destroy.”

Are you beginning to see a pattern here? Are you beginning to see a connection between the actions of the parent and that of the crybaby child, and the actions of the leaders in the Democrat Party and that of the crybaby rioters? Each one feeds the other, and it all stems from a lack of maturity, a refusal to face reality, and a total disregard for the wellbeing of others.

The parent of that crybaby child is unconcerned with that child’s future development. Their only concern is with their feelings in the present moment, even if it hurts the child. Likewise, the leadership of the Democratic Party is unconcerned with the future development of society and its citizens. Their only concern is with their present feelings, even if it hurts the very people who look to them for leadership.

Crybabies and those who enable them have no concern for the rights or feelings of others. Their only concern is with themselves. For a child or five or six, that’s understandable. For an adult who belongs to the Democrat Party or calls themselves Progressive, it’s inexcusable.

Democrats are crybabies.

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