Recently someone said, in a conversation in which I was involved, that understanding evil as entirely a human construct wasn’t working for her.This particular person is rational, with a scientific outlook, and very politically aware.There was a pause among the others in the conversation, almost as if embarrassed.Can anyone admit the existence of evil these days without at least a chaser of irony?I have to admit that I too was caught off-guard, but for different reasons.I guess I have always supposed the struggle of good and evil was obvious.If I hadn’t thought in these terms the last four years in the United States would’ve convinced me.The degenerate depths to which corruption in this country have sunk leave me hard-pressed for any other answer.
With an enabling Republican senate, a president who won a contested election with the help of a foreign nation with clear wishes to destabilize the United States (they succeeded), is now trying to destroy the Post Office so that voting by mail can’t be effective.He does this in the wake of a pandemic for which he personally largely bears the blame.Instead of admitting that he’s unaware of how to fix the mess he’s made, his focus is solely on keeping himself in power.Exposé after exposé has been published, but the desire to hold power has blinded an entire political party to the natural correctives built into the system.What is the use of stacking the judiciary, Mr. McConnell, if the nation you wish to judge falls apart under your watch?What good are federal judges in a nation gone amuck?
A government, any government, that devalues any classes of human beings—be they of different ethnic backgrounds, differently gendered, or in some way disabled—is participating in what simply can’t be chalked up to bad behavior.Well over 150,000 US citizens have died from a pandemic that is still receiving a blind eye by the Grand Old Party.Confused, the sheep of those diabolical feedlot owners think the whole thing is a hoax and refuse to wear masks, making them into a political statement.They will be sacrificed on the altar of retaining power.In the Bible the figure that acted like this was called Molech.Now those who support it are called Evangelicals.My friend in this conversation, I believe, was struggling to come up with a way to understand what she sees happening around her.Although taught that there is no such thing as objective evil, she wonders how to make sense of what’s obvious to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.
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