So here’s just one way of looking at last night (November 6).
It was a stunning defeat for:
- Mendacious Mitt
- The One Percent and those self-serving billionaires who tried to buy an election
- Intolerance
- Those who would yank health care from our newly covered millions
- Ayn Rand
- Lies and deception as essential campaign tools
- Secrecy and hidden agendas
- Those who would deny women the right to control their own bodies
- The rabid right and all those who cater to it
- The opposition to any reasonable control of the market dipsy-do that crashed our economy
- Shape-shifting
- Angry, self-seeking white people
- Turd Blossom
- Candidates with Swiss bank accounts
- Political calculation over minding the People’s business
- Race baiting
- Those untold millions still living in the 1950s
- Donald J(erk) Trump
- Homophobia
- Blindness to the changing face of the American electorate