Gardening Magazine

Deer Are Welcomed Guests

By Dyarnell @dyarnell
I know many gardeners feel differently about deer and that I only have one year of gardening with them under my belt, so perhaps my frustration with them will grow. For now however, I just love seeing them.
We were never going to see a deer in our neighbourhood in Toronto. Being closer to nature was one of the reasons we moved from Toronto to Winnipeg and seeing these awesome animals while out on my evening stroll I feel happy to be back home.
Tonight I saw three different deer during my dog walk the first two in the large park nearby.DEER ARE WELCOMED GUESTS
Then, surprisingly, another with substantial antlers rubbing them against a neighbour's tree in their front yard. I walked up the street and it moved parallel for quite a distance until it came to this tree where it could reach up and eat the leaves that had never fallen to the ground. It stopped there and I must have watched it graze for 5 minutes before heading home.DEER ARE WELCOMED GUESTSHope to see you again soon deer. Oh, and by the way, everything I planted this fall is rated deer resistant.

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