Books Magazine

Decorate Your Life and Relive It.

By Levyingkishan
Decorate your life and relive itOne of the articles that kept me hooked to the Reward me site was one article that talked about Origami. We as kids had made paper boats and rockets out of paper without any idea what is called or where it originated. For us as kids we called it paper craft. But now I have found its name and its origin, which is great to be a part the Japanese culture with which it is associated.Origami ( 折り紙?)is derived from two from two words “Ori” means folding and “kami” means paper, which is an art of folding paper without cutting, gluing and marking on paper. The main aim is to give paper a shape through shaping and folding.

I did some research on this and found that it has been practised since the Edo period (1603-1867). One of the earliest mentions about Origami was in a poem by Ihara Saikaku, which gives reference of a traditional butterfly design used in Shinto weddings.There are various types of Origami·   Action Origami
This type gives life to paper by creating flapping bird or making a person whose hands and legs moves. Really crazy stuff.
·   Modular Origami
Its main aim is to fit same identical pieces together to form a complete model.

Decorate your life and relive it.·   Wet folding
this includes making gentle curves as opposed to folds and which makes a
shape easily.
It is really a great craft that every child comes across. It helps in nurturing creativity among the young ones, which again helps in developing their cognitive ability.

It brought back many wonderful memories, where we wished the rain on never stop so that we can continuously make paper boats and sail them across the world and silently wished it never sinks. We made it as an unsinkable ship ever! That very thought gave us many hopes and every rainy season was awesome.Now a days we are grown up and when it rains we feel, how to reach office without getting wet or catching cold. So, much has changed since those days.Can we ever go back to those days and relive those wonderful moments?Thank you reward me for bringing back those moments we cherished as kids and will cherish for times to come. Wonderful campaign!

“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity forRewardmein association withBlogAdda.”

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