These are a selection of my December in Instagram photos. You can follow me here @velvet_daisy for daily snaps!

I'm not actually drinking vodka, it was just the only container at the house party of which to drink fluid pa ha

Shauna and Lex my housemates and me in our cute kitty flat

In the butterfly metamorphosis shoot. Can read my post on it here

My bedroom in my kitty flat at uni. Yay for fairy lights.

Meant to be doing group work, instead putting a box on my head!

All Christmassy at home!

Freshly purple dyed hair!

Kitty protecting the presents!

My feature in Company magazine

Me, Shauna and froggy

The Christmas jumper me and Lexie got our housemate Shauna!

A photo I found when looking through my nan's old pics haha

Me and Charlotte before going out!

Rottweiler Givenchy replica jumper

Rocky forgetting to put his tongue away!

Golf Wang phone case!

Me and Charlotte on another night out :)
Sorry for the quick post, will have a few outfit posts coming up soon! If you have instagam follow me here @velvet_daisy
Merry Christmas!Jessie xoxo