I am a big fan of beauty and skincare products. Every time I visit the store and I end up with bags of goodies, full of new products for me to try out. Let’s take a look at what I got on my latest visit to the market.
Here’s what I picked up:&https;
- VLCC Cocoa Butter Honey Hydrating and Skin Brightening Body Lotion
- VLCC Insta Fair & Glow Moisturizing Cold Cream
- Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel
- Patanjali Saundarya Aloe Vera Gel
- Lotus Cocomoist Cocoa-butter Moisturising Lotion
- Patanjali Kesh Kanti Herbal Mehandi
I got a Moisturizing Cold Cream with this lotion that enriched with Mulberry and Licorice. As we know that Licorice is known for its complexion-improving properties, whereas Mulberry acts as a rich source of skin moisturizer. I expect this unique formulation to improve my skin texture.Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel can use for multi-purposes.I've never tried this gel before,I've heard a lot about this Aloe Vera Gel. Now it's my turn. I will be giving this a proper use during this winter to see how I get along with it. I'm quite excited to give it a try.After a huge success of Patanjali aloe vera gel, this brand introduces another aloe vera gel that is enriched with Kesar and Chandan and it claims to control sunburn, dark spot, and pigmentation. So I'm hopeful that this will be good for me. &https;
Here another Cocoa butter skin product that is Lotus Cocomoist Cocoa-butter Moisturising Lotion. This one my all-time favorite Moisturising Lotion. So I try to keep it in my collection. I've already reviewed this lotion. Please read here.Hair care:
And last but not least, I picked up a Patanjali Kesh Kanti Herbal Mehandi. Shahnaz Hussain’s Henna Precious Herb Mix is my favorite one, but I thought I'd give this a try. I'm not expecting anything spectacular, but I am hoping it smells good and makes hair smoother. So that is what I purchased, let me know if you have any of these products and what do you think of them?FollowBeauty andLifestyle Mantra on Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin and Instagram so you don't miss a post !