Happy birthday! Hard to believe you're two years old; I can remember holding you for the first time like it were yesterday. I can hear you and your dad laughing upstairs as he gives you a bath and mommy rests on the couch and I thought what better chance to reflect on our day, and how proud I am of you.
Let's start with your resilience; in the past couple of months, you have dealt with traveling, moving, one parent to two parents, awaiting your baby sister, and so much more. You have handled everything like a champ, been a wonderful helper, and made me more thankful than ever. You talk in full sentences and have even started using the potty on your own! We aren't pushing potty training because I don't want to overwhelm you with all of the other changes going on but you seem to want to do it on your own and when you're good and ready, I know you'll have made the complete transition from diapers to potty :)
You love your big boy room, but you've yet to sleep overnight in your bed. And you can blame me for this. Since you were only a couple of weeks old, you've been my comfort blanket and sleeping with me while daddy's been gone. I've gotten so used to snuggling you and waking up to you every morning that I can't seem to bring myself to put you in your own bed. Call me selfish or call me hormonal but I'm not ready to let go yet. I know one day you're going to wake up and want nothing to do with me and when that day comes, I will let go. But for now, I will let you sleep with me as long as you want to.
Your favorite foods are all of the typical kid foods; pizza, mac 'n' cheese, chicken nuggets, and french fries. But the weirdest obsession you have? Yogurt. You will beg and beg for yogurt multiple times a day and although it makes me happy you love something so good for you, it gets a little excessive! But you don't have us fooled; you also love chocolate, cookies, and anything sweet. You must get that from me ;)
I can't even begin to tell you in words how much I love you. With every kiss, hug, or snuggle, my heart breaks a little knowing that you are growing up and won't need me anymore the way you need me right now. I've learned to cherish each and every moment we share together and count my blessings each and every day.
Please know how proud we are of you. And although your sister is due to arrive any day now, I will always love you as my first baby. I will always be here for you and I will always be your biggest fan. Please don't grow up too fast... mommy isn't ready for it yet!
I love you, Nolan.