Books Magazine

Deals of the Moment- March 2018

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Every month amazon has a set of kindle monthly deals. Whenever there are deals of interest I post on here. Links are associate links but money goes back into the blog.

So I’m going to briefly talk about the books I’ve read which are on offer, and those that I have bought myself. Why I liked them/bought them, and what they are about. End links are to the amazon page, any other links are to my reviews.

Please note prices are correct at time of publishing and may be subject to change.

There are so many books that are/look good this month. Lots of them are feminist in nature (I guess because it’s women’s history month), I love feminist books but I know that lots of people prefer to read fiction, so I’ll put them at the end.

Deals of the Moment- March 2018
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Beginning- Lemony Snicket

I didn’t read ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ when it came out, mainly because the covers made it look like a rip off of Harry Potter, but since then I’ve watched the netflix show which has proven me wrong- and made me want to read it (although I tend to find books harder to read after I’ve seen the film/show)

Buy it for just 99p

Deals of the Moment- March 2018

Grief is The Thing With Feathers- Max Porter 

I’ve not reviewed this one on the blog yet but it’s beautiful, sad, and a little strange. It’s about a family in which the mother/wife dies and includes a crow.

You can buy it

…here (only £2.89)

Deals of the Moment- March 2018
The Red Tent- Anita Diamant

I’ve been wanting to read this for ages, it’s about women in the time of Jacob.

You can buy it….here (only £1.19)

Deals of the Moment- March 2018

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe- Douglas Adams

Second book in the very entertaining ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ series. The first is only £1.89 too

You can buy it…here (only £1.19)

Deals of the Moment- March 2018
The Thirteenth Tale- Diane Setterfield

Great, and well known gothic tale. Well worth a read.

Buy it…here (only 99p)

Deals of the Moment- March 2018
Women and Power- Mary Beard

Another one I’ve been wanting to read for a while. About powerful women throughout history and how they have been treated.

Buy it…here (only £2.99)

Deals of the Moment- March 2018

Everywoman- Jess Phillips

A rallying call to women to stand up and speak out.

Buy it…here (only 99p)

Deals of the Moment- March 2018

Dear Ljeawele- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Book of suggestions on how to raise a feminist daughter, a follow on from ‘We Should All Be Feminists’

Buy it…here (only 99p)

Deals of the Moment- March 2018
Deals of the Moment- March 2018
Delusions of Gender and Testosterone Rex- Cordelia Fine

Two books about how gender is viewed and created. Delusions of Gender is more focused on girls whereas Testosterone Rex has a greater focus on boys

Buy ‘Delusions of Gender’ (only £1.99) and ‘Testosterone Rex’ (only £4.29)

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