In its series of monthly variant cover themes, DC Comics artists have created an amusing movie poster-inspired Comic Book cover series that replaces real-life characters in popular movies with DC characters.
From The Joker starring as The Mask to Justice League taking over Magic Mike, this series included some pretty amazing movie poster covers. 22 Covers were unveiled in the series, and I’ve included some of the best here. Hit those source links to see them all.
Read Also: DC vs. Marvel Costume Showdown – Infographic
Justice League / Magic Mike
Batman / The Mask
Batman and Robin / Harry Potter
Batman & Superman / The Fugitive
Detective Comics / The Matrix
Wonder Woman / 300
Supergirl / The Wizard of Oz
The Flash / North by Northwest
[Via: DC Comics (1) (2) ]
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Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera