Other Sports Magazine

Daria Iashina Dies In Mountaineering Accident

By Abichal @Multidays
daria Iashina

Daria Iashina April 2012 Photo by Prabhakar

Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 01:52:59 -0600
From: Mark Dorion
Subject: Tragic Passing of Young Multiday Runner, Expert Mountaineer–

On August 7th, 27-year old Russian ultrarunner (veteran of both the New York Self-Transcendence 6 and 10 day races) DARIA IASHINA passed in a mountaineering accident. She was a well-known professional guide who led groups on treks all over the world. She is pictured running– and smiling– on page 72 of the July ULTRARUNNING magazine.

Anyone who met Daria will not forget her. She seemed to be ALWAYS smiling, encouraging of others, and as a runner had vast untapped potential and a smooth stride.

That is about all I know. I will try to pass along other details when I get them from some of her Russian and European ultra friends.

As she was such a popular fixture at the Self-Transcendence events, and as she was an avid outdoorsperson, I thought the following quotation from Sri Chinmoy might be appropriate:

Is the needle
Pointing to
The Pole Star.”
–Sri Chinmoy

Thinking of you Daria, and sending all my most sincere condolences to your
family and friends.

–Mark Dorion

Daria Iashina Dies In Mountaineering Accident Multidays.com - Multiday and Ultrarunning News

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