I just can’t believe it’s been 7 years and they still haven’t filled one pothole in this parking lot.

This kitchen remod is way over budget. Put your shoes on, girls…it’s time to go snatch up some Lifetime coins.

Did I tell you that I’m dropping a hip, new musical video this week? It’s already on my FacePage.

So ignore it. Do it anyways. Prove them wrong. And read DanThat’sCool. Hear that, haters?

A few treats from Canton’s Jerky King in the gopher trap and just like that I got a new fur stole.

FYI. Sing Sing’s an all-male, maximum security prison, you idiot. But Mama does like her boys.

We were gonna show up, too, but that one couldn’t find her phone and they left without us.
Quick question.
Asking for a friend, of course.

Dat’s rite.
We’re back. At least for one week, anyway.
So try to contain your enthusiasm…

The long awaited reveal of the worst kept secret in the history of Reality TV.
And me finally getting off my lazy a** to recap Dance Moms like the good ol’ days.
Double Whammy.

And it’s all because Chloe Lukasiak is back in the hizzle, yo.

But first…

Fact: I missed you guys. F’realz.
Alternative Fact: Unfortunately, this hot mess of a site has catapulted me into such a stratospheric new level of #SuperStardom that I no longer have time for the little people anymore.
I’m kind of a big deal now.

Closer to the actual truth might be the fact that Lifetime TV (…and that lady in the orange…) still refuse to pay my rent each month, which means I’m required to continue working a real job in the real world for a real small paycheck.
An annoyance which has seriously cut into quality couch time in front of my widescreen.
Don’t get me wrong, tho.
I’m sure Lifetime would be more than willing to compensate me for all this hilarity if a certain Executive Producer wasn’t pissing away all the profits on gym memberships and designer LensCrafters frames.
But you didn’t hear that from me.

And if he thinks they makes him look like Clark Kent on Casual Friday…whatever.
Side note: Did we ever get an answer as to why Melissa and Jill wore the same hair that day?

What was that all about?
Side note 2: Remember when they used to film the Reunion Shows in Kelly‘s basement? That was back when Jill did her own hair.

And as far as the MIA Dance Moms recaps, it’s not like we lost touch during my absence.
To the contrary, actually.
I heard from many of you on social media.

You know. The usual.

The birthplace of the ALDC.
And home to the ALDC. But not the same ALDC. Pay attention…because it’s confusing.
Turns out the Pittsburgh Abby Lee Dance Company is now the Appolonia Leake Dance Company.
Or at least on paper and in Yelp reviews. Everything else still has the old name all over it.
One. The fact that they found someone with the exact same initials to sign the lease is amazing. If it’s a lease, I mean. One Instagram account says Ms. Leake owns the ALDC now.
Two. It’s not this Apollonia.

The one that is slowly painting over all evidence that Abby Lee Miller ever stepped foot in the building is spelled with two ‘Ps’ and one ‘L.’ Because, of course it is.
Look at Abby ’bout ready to rip that damn sign right off the wall.

As Holly and Nia Sioux took in the view from the parking lot, marveling at the gutted out flat top pavement and subzero temperatures, Abby was inside getting ready to not run the Pyramid of Shame.

Remember when Nia was so little she used to disappear in those parking lot cracks like they were sink holes? Our little Sasha is all growed up like wicked big now.

At least in Pittsburgh. The whole show was in kind of a TMZ flux during filming.
Look at this and tell me you don’t feel old.

And don’t tell me that it wasn’t a complete mindf*** to see all those new Moms mixed in with the Few & the Proud remaining Original Recipe Moms, all standing at the same Pure Barre railing that Mackenzie used to bump her head on every week.
Especially this Mom.

Oh. And it was Pashmina Poncho Day at the ALDC. But only for the OGs.

And look at these two niblets.

As previously noted, there was so much to do this week (…Nationals!…) that Abby decided it was best to skip the Pyramid and get right down to bidnezz, which kind of disappointed me since I was really looking forward to one last creaky, dusty PA Pyramid.

Jill Vertes Fashion Watch: When the temperature drops, the fur comes out and the Bump-It goes up.

This week (…at Nationals!…) Lilly, Elliana, Kalani and Brynn all scored solos, which meant that the two most senior members of the ALDC Team got nada.

Kendall didn’t seem as concerned, tho, probably because this was the week her new music video was going to be premiered to a throng of screaming young girls who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a nightclub that has open liquor bottles displayed on the wall.
Spoiler Alert:

But Nia and Kendall would at least be part of the Big Girl group routine (…cryptically entitled “Is There Still Hope?”…) where they would all portray characters from the seedier side of the PA streets.
Kalani was going to be the junkie. KK schizophrenic. Brynn was developing an eating disorder. Newbie Camryn would rep the prostitutes.

And Nia was going to be in a gang, because…LaQuifa What?

Full disclosure: Initially, the group routine was going to be a number about conquering cancer, but Abby had forgotten that the girls had already sung that song with a pink ribbon way back in the old’n days.
Once the Moms reminded her that she was about to recycle a routine, Abby went and sat on her crash pad until Nia’s gang dance came to her in a vision.

#CrashPadMemories. Good times.
And then the internet started to break:
Our first glimpse of Chloe and Christi and no-longer-a-baby Baby Clara.
First in a flashback, which explained the Lukasiaks’ Season 4 departure, but did nothing to address what exactly was happening in the back of Abby’s hair while Christi was ripping her a new one…

Dance Moms:

Dance Moms:

Toddlers & Tiaras:

Dance Moms:

Long story short. This…

And this is a good color on Christi.

Remember when Chloe scored that giant foam slab in 2015 and so many girls screamed that all the neighborhood dogs started running in circles? The Library was open on that Read when she read Abby at the podium, right?

And her stunt double got one, too, which I thought was nice. You don’t think our girl did 4 years of Christi vs. Abby fight scenes without some help, do you?

A Million More Bonus Points: After deciding to crash the Nationals party, Chloe said that if things got out of control, maybe the Federal Government could help them with Abby.

The new Moms gnawed on each others’ necks for awhile after finding out that Lilly’s Dad was doing the vocals on her solo music. Which I guess would be an issue if her Dad was Nat King Cole or something.
But he’s not. So relax.

Public Service Announcement: Brace yourselves, ladies. Put your trays in the upright position and fix your lip gloss, cuz we’re all about to experience a #ZackAttack.

Little Zack Torres is now Big Zack Torres and he just made his triumphant return to the Candy Apples!

Look at Ava back there. She knows wassup.

And this Mom was back again.

This Mom returned, too.

The CADC group routine was going to be about Abduction and Human Trafficking, which was a heavy and emotionally disturbing subject to everyone. Especially 20 years ago when the ALDC did it with a playground swing. But, again…I’m not judging. Out loud.
I’m not even sure who this Mom is, but she experienced abduction in her own family and that is both heartbreaking and not cool, so she was allowed to get emotional.

Alternative Fact: I think I forgot to mention that Cathy was positively gleeful at the possibility of Abby ending up in Sing Sing when all the financial drama reached Sentencing.
You might to Google that before you go on CNN, honey.

And Ashlee was all like “Watch me…”

And Kira was all like “OhMyGod you totally did it. How ’bout you chew your food?…”

You know I love Ashlee even though she stopped following me on Twitter. And let’s be real. Whatever she was inhaling looked mighty tasty, so scoot over and break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar.
And then we were off to Kendall K’s music video premiere!!!!

Starring Jill!

And more Jill!

And I guess Kendall K’s actual…actual…online music video looks completely different and actually stars Kendall K. So I’m not really sure what they premiered. Or why Abby was selling merch in the lobby like it was a Grateful Dead tour. Maybe she’s just a little short on cash.
(Too soon?)
Side note: Not gonna lie. I thought Abby was shaving Kate Gosselin’s back in this clip until I realized she was just autographing some of the DeadHead t-shirts. You can’t even make this stuff up anymore.

In an airplane hangar. On the Planet Hoth.
Look at how far away the makeup tables were from the front door.

Everybody was freezing, which I guess would explain why the emcee’s cheeks were so pink during the Red Carpet photo op. Careful with that mic, dude.

Side note: Isn’t this copyright infringement?

And then Abby kinda sorta mentally shut down and didn’t even bother to give the girls their normal pre-game pep talk, which got an already frustrated Holly even more frustrated.

And then finally, it was really Showtime!
Programming Note: Since we’re running a little long given the 2 hour broadcast, I’ll try to trim the fat to speed up the process.
Zack’s makeup was on point.

Zack’s Mom. When your son has better contouring than you, why even bother.

I love Gina.
Human Prop Vivi-Anne was back to reclaim her title as Miss Human Abduction Prop 2017.

Lilly’s Dad looks like the guy from The Commish after he shaved his head. And her brother’s gonna be a heart breaker once he stops sleeping with a retainer.

There’s Holly’s right arm again.

Wait for it…

Holly was a #HotMess.

Jill wasn’t sure how she felt about Christi’s off-the-shoulder peasant dress.

Chloe was thinking about getting back into competition mode.

Christi already needed a drink.

And then just like that…it was over.
Or was it? Is it?
Chloe was back.
Or was she?
Can you really go home again?
To be continued…