Books Magazine

Dalal Street Book Review

By Levyingkishan

We should be aware of the “TRUTHs” of life, but truth more than required makes us uncomfortable. Learning about the harsh realities of life, is different from facing it.Dalal Street Book ReviewDalal’sStreet speaks the naked truth about the stock market world. It speaks those uncomfortable tales, that everyone knows but is rarely penned down.Varun, Anil, Devika and Pooja are the protagonist of the story, will unravel the mysterious world of stock markets and you too can ride the market horses with them (only if you want).How you may ask? Keep reading and you will be transported into a world of disbelief, lust both for love and money and some eye openers. Money is the root cause of all evil. It makes human do the unthinkable and some will blindly follow anyone who shows the lust of money.Very few in this world understand the limits of greed and fear. Though being very common emotions, they can have extraordinary effects on human life. Being a trader myself I could read between the lines as I kept turning the pages, what the author is trying to convey to his readers.The first quarter of the story lacked the excitement, speaking about the love, struggles of teenage guys. I had started judging the book by now.Excitement took to its heels when I reached the second quarter of the story, where the story really catches pace and the book was gulped in a few hours.Never ever have I learnt so easily about the intricacies of stock market. Even before I could have finished the book, I had recommended the book to many of my trading companions and shared on endless WhatsApp and Telegram channels.You might see a bull run in the sales of the book very soon.All the protagonists fight their own battle and exceed the expectations but the lust for money reigns supreme. And “Stock Market” is one such place, once you have tasted blood, you can never let go of it.On the endeavour to make money some of the protagonist pay a hefty price.How will it change their attitude and how will they succeed?With stories weaved inside a story, I have to say it is well scripted and one such story will change the course of the plot in the latter half of the book. Well it will be a decisive one. Having played a cameo role throughout the book, it takes center stage and changes the destiny of the protagonists forever.What is that? You will have to buy the book for it.Varun one such protagonist will play just the right cards, at the right time, proving his foresight and cunningness in dethroning the reigning king of a company. What happens to the others? While I was mesmerized by the story plot, I’m also in awe at the storytelling skills of the Author.It was informative and worthy of being on the bookshelf of any trader. I envy the hard word put by Anurag in writing the book. A well written one!

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