Social Media Magazine

Daily Writing Prompt (April 1, 2019)

Posted on the 01 April 2019 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia

Today is the first day of National Poetry Month!

This is my first participation. So, I am not sure what to expect. But based on my discussions with my friend David Ellis, I am confident that it will be a great opportunity to hone my chops and connect with the poetry community.

As always, there will be a daily writing prompt on this blog. I hope you'll continue sharing your beautiful pieces with me!

I also look forward to participating in a few challenges from fellow poets on their own blogs. If you host one, drop the link and I'll check it out!

Here is my photo for the today's daily writing prompt.

My piece:

red and green embrace-
autumn's poem.
©2019 Cendrine Marrouat

Your turn now! Leave a haiku or six-word story in the comment section below. If you prefer using Twitter, no problem! Copy and paste your piece and add the link to your tweet underneath.


The cover of my new book has been selected for the monthly Cover of the Month contest for April 2019 at AllAuthor! I need your help to make it to the second round.

To vote, all you have to do is visit and click the "vote" button next to my cover. Thank you for your support!

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