Sixku #27 Nightly wander: footsteps recede; tables remain.©2019 Cendrine Marrouat
During my trip to the castles of the Loire Valley in 2016, I spent a few nights in Angers. This lovely city was the cradle of the Plantagenet dynasty and one of the intellectual centers of Europe during the reign of René of Anjou.
One evening, after walking back from a restaurant to my hotel, I heard the sound of footsteps on cobblestone. I turned around and saw the pedestrian. I immediately took the photo; I wanted to capture them as they were reaching the corner of the street...
Sixku: Rules
Sixku (pronounce 'sis-ku') are six-word, untitled poems based on haiku. Each piece must be inspired by a photograph and include a reference (even implicit) to nature. For example: season, weather, month, time of the day, etc.
Complete sentences and punctuation are optional and the use of the past tense is allowed.
Your turn now! Write a sixku based on the image above. If you prefer publishing the piece on your blog, please link to this prompt there. For example: Sixku inspired by Cendrine Marrouat's daily visual prompt.