Social Media Magazine

Daily Sixku and Photo (June 3, 2019)

Posted on the 03 June 2019 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia
Sixku #26 A path among ancient trees, higher?©2019 Cendrine Marrouat

Three years ago, I was in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, for a few days. I saw the tallest and oldest trees in my life! They left me in awe more than once.

Sixku: Rules

Sixku (pronounce 'sis-ku') are six-word, untitled poems based on haiku. Each piece must be inspired by a photograph and include a reference (even implicit) to nature. For example: season, weather, month, time of the day, etc.

Complete sentences and punctuation are optional and the use of the past tense is allowed.

Your turn now! Write a sixku based on the image above. If you prefer publishing the piece on your blog, please link to this prompt there. For example: Sixku inspired by Cendrine Marrouat's daily visual prompt.

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