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Cyber Security 101 Guides

Posted on the 12 April 2019 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog

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Just like not accepting gifts from strangers at the airport, or locking the office when you leave each day, there are common sense practices everyone should be practicing online, especially companies that store personal data. IT support companies see some novel issues arise with online security, but time and time again, the same problems often
plague clients. When providing help with office cyber security, there are a few recurrent themes that just won't go away. You can read my previously written article about Why You Need Cyber Security For Business, That article really helps you out to get the security guides and privacy protection. And here in this article, You will get the info about Cyber Security 101 Guides. I hope you will like the write up and enjoy to read. Keep sharing your queries below in the comment box.

Cyber Security 101 Guides

Here follows online security in a nutshell, including what to employ and what to avoid. And - almost - everything you need to know how to set it up, so you can enjoy the internet for the connectivity and access it provides. Some things haven't changed in the IT space for decades, for good reason! A front-line defence is essential when online.

Firewalls & VPNs: Basics of Cyber Security 101

If you think firewalls are boring old components of operating systems, you're right. The reason they've become ingrained in the IT lexicon is because they work, they're essential, and they're more applicable now than ever before. Whether it's the resident firewall on an individual PC or a shielded network (intranet) that's needed, using a firewall remains an essential component of cyber security since the internet was plugged in.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is also mandatory to limit online exposure. As a firewall safeguards your computer's data, so a VPN carries that protection online. Any modern business without the shield of a VPN is asking for trouble. Hacking and loss of data are like car accidents - fascinatingly terrible to hear about, but it would never happen to you, right? Well, remember there are thousands upon thousands of people who awake each day with the sole intent of making money illegally online. Mostly, it involves theft of data for illicit gain, ransoming data, or even accessing online banking or other payment protocols.

You shouldn't take it as a personal attack - it's not. Cyber crooks are opportunistic, and if you pop up on their radar without the basics in place, you're the victim for today. Don't for a moment imagine you're too small to be noticed. Unfortunately, statistics show that it is indeed SMEs who suffer the brunt of hacks. Criminals know larger corporates
have an allocated budget for security protocols and that they're likely tight, whereas smaller businesses and individuals might be easier to infiltrate.

Cyber Security 101 Guides

Cyber Security 101 Threats

In short, online malice comes in various forms. Since baseline business connectivity has become constant - what company isn't online all the time? - it helps to understand what's out there.

 Viruses. Just like the common cold, we can't hope to ever be free of this aspect of cyber life. A virus is malicious software that changes the way your computer performs, corrupting the OS and data. They can be present without being active, but again just like the flu virus, they're usually a debilitating pest.  Malware. Sometimes indistinguishable from a virus, the terms are often used interchangeably. More typically, malicious software (mal- ware) doesn't just corrupt systems or delete data to create your own personal nightmare, it can also include spyware (like key-logger

 Ransomware. A step up in cheek and deserving of its own title, ransomware is malware that handles your data as delicately as you would, only to lock it up impenetrably and demand payment for its release! Ransomware attacks often succeed, as the prospect of having client or other personal data lost or published publicly is dire for many companies. When ransomware is at play, it's best to call in professionals who can help with cyber security, so all options and potential rescues are identified and enacted.

 Bots. A favourite of those launching a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, a bot (or "internet robot") is an app that executes scheduled activities. Mostly responsible for stripping mail addresses or financial information, they can also take complete control of a PC.

 Trojans. These are concealed yet malicious snippets of malware that come disguised as legitimate inputs or offers, but then open a door for further activity on a machine or network. They typically steal information or keep the door open for further malicious fiddling.

 Worms. Worms are still around, just wrigglier than ever. Worms are more proactive than a blunt virus, as they can typically travel across networks without the need for human activity and replicate themselves constantly.

 Spam. Finally, spam has unfortunately persisted, taking over from where junk mail left off littering your post box. More than just an intrusive nuisance, spam mail is often the preferred method of getting any of the above evils past your firewall. Apart from spambots posting on social media and infiltrating your feeds, spam is also a principal platform for phishing, whereby a crook will try to elicit sensitive details from you under the guise of some mock necessity, familiarity, or enticing offer.

Cyber Security 101 Guides

Being and Staying - Cyber Secure

Taking cyber security101 seriously isn't hard and brings both relief and the confidence you're safe when conducting online affairs. As a first step towards being secure online, strengthen passwords across all users. Preferably employ a password keeper that generates individualized and strong passwords. Implement firewall, VPN and antivirus solutions, and all of these should be in play against the backdrop of a detailed backup plan.

There are many aspects to consider in the cyber security101 arena and, unfortunately, even the best solutions can fail if they're not painstakingly comprehensive. To make sure you're legitimately and completely covered for a safe cyber life, we can help with online security to ensure your business's integrity and the sanctity of your data.

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Cyber Security 101 Guides

Savita Singh is the author of computergeekblog, She has a superlative knowledge of Graphic and Web designing. She is a part time and award winning tech blogger who loves to write about latest technology, social media and web design. Her blog focuses on creative things of designing and tech, providing professional opinions on designing products, performances and a variety of business.

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