Entertainment Magazine

Custard Flux: New Album "Phosphorus"; Stream "Station" & "The Man In Blue Wants Out Of His Suit"

Posted on the 16 March 2022 by Hctf @hctf

Gregory Curvey has finished recording Phosphorus, the new album by acoustic psychedelic prog project Custard Flux. Melody and rhythm are always treated as equal forces, even when the number of used tracks is pretty damn high.

Two tracks can be streamed on Soundcloud. Station is a bustling and upbeat, with a hectic guitar excursion that sounds like Genesis performing live in 1973. The Man In Blue Wants Out Of His Suit is a bit more laidback poppy, with a recurrring motif to support the lyrics about a guy who can't get from himself, not matter how hard he tries.

Pre-orders for Phosphorus will go live on April 1st via his website.

» custardflux.bandcamp.com

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