Philosophy Magazine

Cushing Prize in History and Philosophy of Physics – Call for Nominations

By Wuthrich

James T. Cushing Memorial Prize in History and Philosophy of Physics
Call for Nominations

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2019 Cushing
Prize in History and Philosophy of Physics.

Eligible for nomination are works by what we term “younger scholars,”
meaning individuals who are within five years of the receipt of the Ph.D,
and work in any area of the history and philosophy of physics may be

Nominations should include a letter explaining the significance of the work
that is being nominated, along with a copy of the work, in the case of an
individual paper or set of papers, or a complete citation in the case of a
book. Please also provide a copy of the nominee’s current cv. The deadline
for the receipt of nominations is Friday, February 1, 2019. Nominations
should be sent to:

The winner will be announced on March 1, 2019.

The prize winner will receive a $2,000 prize and an invitation to deliver a
prize lecture at the University of Notre Dame in 2019.

Questions about the prize or the nomination process should be directed to
either Don Howard ( or Mike Schneider (

Additional information about the prize, including a list of previous
winners, can be found at:

The Cushing Prize Committee:

David Baker, University of Michigan
Jeremy Butterfield, Cambridge University
Adam Caulton, Oxford University
Hans Halvorson, Princeton University
Don Howard, University of Notre Dame
Eleanor Knox, Kings College London
Cyrus Mody, Maastricht University
Nic Teh, University of Notre Dame
Giovanni Valente, Polytechnic University of Milan
Charlotte Werndl, University of Salzburg


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