Books Magazine

Cursing by Lynne Murray

By Lauriej
Cursing by Lynne Murray
Cursing by Lynne MurrayCursingAngie Faust Series Book 1by Lynne MurrayGenre: Urban Fantasy Cursing by Lynne MurrayThe day she killed her boss...Everything changed.She never laid a hand on him to take his life. She didn’t have to.As her boss lies on the floor with a dozen witnesses staring and
paramedics working in a futile effort to save him, a mysterious
stranger approaches Angie with a bizarre offer.It’s a job with the ExtraTerrestrial Protection Agency, a secret
organization. Can Angie trust a group whose very existence is ultra
classified?She has to decide in a hurry because her newly released power starts
drawing attention from life-draining, telepathic, Mindworms and alien
scientists obsessed with abducting humans. Most terrifying of all,
she’s stalked by one of the most fearsome predators in the galaxy.If you loved Men in Black or Ilona Andrews’ Innkeeper Chronicles
series, buckle up for a wild ride with Angie Faust in Cursing. Get it now!Goodreads * Amazon
Cursing by Lynne Murray
Chapter 1
Things changed the day I killed my boss. I was trying so hard not to. He died quickly from cardiac arrest in front of a dozen witnesses in the glassed-in fishbowl of a conference room at Wolfe, Savage and Steele, the law firm where we worked. I never touched him physically. I didn’t have to. His name was Carroll Caine. The Office Manager’s death interrupted an extended yelling session aimed at me. Caine was a short, square-built man with small bulging, blue eyes, a permanently red face and silver hair, cut brush short. For some reason, he had singled me out for verbal abuse almost from his first day on the job. He retired from the Navy as a Warrant Officer. Law firms like to hire former non-coms on the theory that they work well with a formal chain of command. But for Caine, taking orders from civilian lawyers he didn’t respect chafed him like a sandpaper jockstrap. He took it out on his subordinates. I was a favorite target.Understanding why Caine attacked me so often didn’t protect me when he did.My other co-workers looked away in embarrassment or relief that, at least for the moment, Caine wasn’t singling them out. Not Francine, the woman sitting next to me in the conference room. She was petite, blonde and eager to score points with Caine by digging up the slightest hint of an error on my part.Caine picked a bad day to stand over me and settle in for an extended rant. My Aunt Bess had simply disappeared six months earlier and without her, I had no one. The pain of her loss had retreated to a dull ache most days, but sometimes it flared up into a sharp pain of grief and confusion. I focused all my attention on breathing slowly and letting his word roll over me. I huddled in my chair, trying to make myself invisible, staring down at the pad of paper in front of me, a pencil gripped in my hand.Caine paused for breath as if savoring looking down at me. He leaned in close. “You’d already be out of here if I didn’t suspect you might have a hidden disability and you’d sue all our asses. Is that it, Angie?”“Look at me!”I slowly looked up and met his eyes. Bad idea. The urge to let loose the anger that built in every cell of my body. I blinked when a cloud of black dots like a swarm of tiny insects filled my vision, swirling between Caine and Francine. I glanced around. Most people stared at the table or Caine. No one else gave any sign of seeing the whirling dots. Great Angie, you’re hallucinating, just what I need. “Keeping something up your sleeve, Angie? Maybe you lied on your employment application?” His spit landed on my face. Droplets hit my glasses. I wanted to wipe them off, but I didn’t move a muscle. I could smell Caine’s rage under the Bay Rum aftershave and lingering cigar smoke on his breath. Something inside me settled. Everything seemed sharper, clearer and despite the black cloud of dots passing between Francine and Caine. It couldn’t be real. A voice somewhere in the mists of early life echoed in my head.Stop the heart. Deadly calm washed over me. I felt myself starting to shake as if there was an earthquake. There was not. Yet an inner vibration shook me physically like the roars I heard when my aunt took me to the Lion House at the San Francisco Zoo at feeding time. I focused on Caine. Not on his face, on his chest. Every sound in the room fell away. I found his heart. I raised my hand to point at him, still holding the pencil.He straightened up. A slow smile on his face told me he was hoping he had made me mad enough to do something stupid. He had.“Ya gonna hit me, Angie?” he asked.“No.” I couldn’t remember ever feeling so calm.... Cursing by Lynne MurrayCursing by Lynne MurrayLynne Murray was born in Illinois, but she grew up in transit due to her
father's work with the military. She's lived in Texas, Alaska,
Florida, Washington state, and Southern California, before landing
and staying in San Francisco.
Lynne writes the kind of books she loves to read. Those usually feature a
lot of action, quirky characters and supernatural attitude. She just
might read anything that isn't tied down, but some of the books that
have to be restrained also make it onto her list. Her favorite
authors include Illona Andrews, Faith Hunter, Patricia Briggs, Kim
Hamilton, Terry Pratchett and T.H. White.She now lives and writes and stares out the window at the ocean with a
group of rescue cats, who rescue her right back with heroic feats of purring.
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